"Invite Your One: A Greater Church" · Church of the Rockies

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“Invite Your One: A Greater Church”
July 16, 2023

“Invite Your One: A Greater Church”

Passage: Romans 12:1-5
Service Type:

Romans 12:1-5 teaches us that a great church is both humble AND diverse.

"Therefore" - Worship leads to service.
"Living Sacrifice" - The church is a partnership of multiple people making one sacrifice together.
"In one body we have many members" - A greater church is a diverse church.
"Individually members one of another" - A great church is a humble church
John 17:20-21

I. Humility strips away selfishness.
How do we strip away selfishness?
Humility begins with grace
Humility continues with true self-awareness.
Galatians 6:3
Selfless individuals become unified
This unity is in Christ and ends in grace.

II. The more diverse a church is, the more gifted a church is.
Unity in diversity of many gifts within the body
If we want a spiritually gifted church, then we should seek a diverse church.
Hebrews 10:10